Chris the Trailblazer

Created by Jeff & Cheryl 2 years ago
I first met Chris back in the 70s at the Target offices briefly, but came to know him and Tasha pretty well in recent years. We were usually lumped together at coventions, and had long conversations and banter. We began bemoaning our lot about the pitfalls and downsides of the industry and how artists and art is treated generally, but would always pull out of the dive and consider ourselves blessed!. Chris told me about his early years in London, his clubbing days, (A bit of a raver by the sounds of it)! I learned about his film work, which I wasn't aware of and a few crossovers we had in common beyond Doctor Who. (We both worked on Bruce Lee Kung Fu projects and both designed album covers for Whitesnake)! Mostly I became aware of the devotion and love between Tasha and himself, it was a joy to behold.
The Target Art Exhibition in London in 2016, was a fine tribute to Chris' work for Doctor Who. (Thanks to Edward Russell for making that happen).
Chris was the Boss, the Trailblazer for we artists who followed. 
At a recent convention Tony Lee had put me and Chris together. I whilst I enjoyed a consistent flow of visitors, Chris had long queues! There's no arguing with the legend. When one of his queues finally subsided, I couched down beside him. "What are you doing"? he asked, "I'm living in your shadow as always Chris"! He gave me a steely look which quickly converted into a wide grin, then he punched me in the arm!
I will miss Chris massively. 
Much love to Tasha and family. xx Jeff and Cheryl Cummins
